I have made a small collection of MX-Ray related links, but nowadays the search engines are quite powerful.
If you notice any broken links, let me know. Also let me know about your own favorite sites!
recently I had no contact with any other MX-Ray sailors.
Just the other day I found that some die-hards maintain a Yahoo Group devoted to this now rare and also vintage dinghy design.
I will update tese links from time to time.
Living in Tokyo, I also do a fair bit of bicycling with friends and have
a related blog that provides some background on how easy and safe it is to navigate this great metropolis on two self-propelled
Click here to access my Riding High bicycling blog.
Speaking of Lasers by the way, as I did on the home page of this website - suggesting tongue-in-cheek that Laser sailors worldwide
may want to "pimp" their rides a bit by "upgrading" to an MX-Ray, you might be interested to learn there
is a HUGE worldwide following of enthusiasts who race 1/4 scale RC (radio-controlled) Lasers. Find out all you need to know
by clicking through to the site www.sailrclaser.com
Get an RC Laser for those days when no other MX-Rays are around!
The RC Laser video showing assembly and on-water sailing. Nice!
Stop the Presses!! This is INSANE!!
Thanks to Ronstan, hardware supplier to the MX-Ray for supporting the crazy guys at KA Sails.
All dinghy sailors should visit RONSTAN regularly.
Wanna fly WITHOUT an asymmetrical spinnaker? Try this!
Get involved with the Yahoo MX-Ray interest group HERE.
A UK magazine review that one of the guys on the Yahoo MX-Ray group told me about.
Another MX-RAY enthusiast who posted his early impressions of sailing fast here
A site that offers replacement rudders is HERE
Annapolis Performance has some dollies AVAILABLE