VANG (Drawing 5 above):
THE VANG consists of two (2) lines.
TIE-DOWN line 2 (shorter line) to the becket of the central single block at the mast step.
RUN IT through the single block attached to the boom's vang fitting and then go down.
TIE-DOWN the double b ullet block at the end of this line.
RUN LINE 1 (longer line) through the cam cleat on the port side, through the port double block (use inside sheave) at
the mast base, up through the double block at the end of line 2, down through the central single block at the mast step, back
to the double block at the end of line 2, down through the starboard double block (use inside sheave) at the mast base and
exit through the starboard cam cleat. Now we have really good purchase power on the vang to control the mast bend and leech
AGAIN, DON'T forget to tie "figure-eight" knots at both ends of line 1.
Go faster, go further, go safer.